This is nothing compared to the pictures my Mom got of him!!!
So the day after Matthew's birthday (Monday the 20th) I got a call ten minutes before two from the nurses office at Matthew's school. Mind you I have the Nurse's office programed in my phone with a special ring so that I know who it is without having to look. I have already been called numerous times for various things (3 times the first week and Matthew only went 3 days the first week!!!) Anyway, when I answered it was the nurses "helper" (sorry I am not sure what her actual title is) and she was telling me that when Matthew woke up from his nap he had an allergic reaction to something and his eyes were swollen completely shut. She said she had given him benedryl at 1:20 and it had helped a little. Then she started telling me that the reason she was just getting in touch with me was because she had accidentally called another Matthew Martinez's mom and when that mom got there to pick her son up, she said "that's not my son!" The other boy is in third grade and this is not the first time that they have been mixed up. It doesn't make me feel very good about that, but I do know mistakes happen, as long as it's not life threatening I will try and overlook it. So since it was 10 till 2 my mom was already there to get him and she called me as soon as she got in the car with him. She said she had NEVER seen him look this bad before. She said she was almost in tears. Not what I wanted to hear. Well we continued the benedryl and it wasn't doing anything, so the next day my mom said she thought it might be a sinus infection and when my mom worries that's when I get worried. So I took him to the doctor and that's exactly what it was!!!! I couldn't believe it, but after 2 doses of antibiotics he was back to normal! It was so hard to look at him that way, he didn't even look like Matthew. Here are some pictures and these are once he looked a LOT BETTER!
Poor Matthew! I wasnt aware that an infection could do that to someone.
He does look a lot better in those pictures than the ones I saw of him! He still looks like a different boy, though!
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