Thursday, February 12, 2009

Because it's Valentine's

Enjoy learning about us!

What are your middle names?
Lynn & George (ironic I know)

How long have you been together?
10 years & 5 months

How long did you know each other before you started dating?
few days

Who asked who out?
Carlos did the asking.... he wouldn't back down till I finally said yes

How old were each of you when you met?
I was 17 & he was 23

How old are each of you now?
I am 28 & he is 34

How tall are each of you?
I'm about 5'3" and he's 5'11".

Whose siblings do you see the most?

Do you have any children together?
yep! 2 girl & boy

What about pets?
yep, a dog (Ellee)

Did you go to the same school?

Are you from the same hometown?

Who is the smartest?
depends on the subject

Who is the most sensitive?
Definitely me.

Where do you eat out most as a couple?
chuy's lately

Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?

Who does the cooking?

Who is more social?
I am.

Who is the neat-freak?
ha ha neither of us

Who hogs the bed?
carlos, I sleep on the edge of our KING SIZE bed

Who wakes up earlier?
ugh....we both sleep till the very last minute...but I am always out of bed first...unless it's the weekend

Who has the bigger family?
Carlos does

How do you spend the holidays?
with my family

Who is more jealous?
uh.... i am a's one of my best :)

Do you have little pet names for each other?
dumb & i call him baby sometimes

How long did it take to get serious?
well we started living together after 7 what do you think?

Who eats more?

Who sings better?
me! ha ha

Who’s older?

Who does the dishes?
we take turns

Who snores?
Carlos...omgsh...i can't fall asleep if he goes to bed first!

Who’s better with the computer?

Who drives when you are together?
mostly me...

Who is the first to admit when they're wrong?
Carlos never admits he is wrong

Who kissed who first?
Oh definately Carlos kissed me first!

Who eats more sweets?

That was so much fun!
Feel free to do this questionnaire on your blog!

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